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Pain Specialist 

Therapeutic Bodyworker

Wilderness Instructor


In Person Office: Mt. Kisco, NY




Andy is a pain specialist integrating positional therapy and therapeutic exercise for the treatment of chronic and acute pain, pre/post surgical therapy, muscle weakness/imbalance and injuries. He is a licensed massage therapist and strength and conditioning specialist, with a mission to help individuals live pain free without surgery or medications. 

Andy is also an outdoor educator teaching children and adults the philosophy and physical skills of wilderness living. Andy received his first introduction to survival training while in the Marine Corps. After that time he was introduced to primitive skills in a workshop with Cody Lundin in Arizona. Years later he was introduced to Children of the Earth Foundation and the Tom Brown Jr. Tracker School and spent many years taking classes as a student and volunteer. Today, Andy continues to volunteer at the Tracker School as well as 4 Elements Earth Education. Andy is also involved with the Boy Scouts of America as an Assistant Scout Master and Wilderness Survival merit badge counselor.


Andy has studied health and wellness since 1991. He is a graduate of Arizona State University BA program in Communication and Business. He went on to serve honorably in the United States Marine Corps for a total of 8 years. Andy also worked in corporate operations management for 10 years and left to follow a calling in the field of health and wellness. Having a personal history of multiple sports injuries and surgeries, Andy was interested in natural pain remedies and healing. He became a certified strength and conditioning specialist, working for a highly respected sports medicine practice in Manhattan, New York administering post surgical rehabilitation protocols. Integrating his business background and passions for healing, Andy became a licensed therapeutic body worker and established The Center for Health and Healing with his wife Melanie Ryan. Now Andy is merging his two passions, natural healing and the skills and knowledge of wilderness living to form Ancient Wisdom Today with Melanie. 


Ancient Wisdom Today is all about getting to the root of our humanity, healing mind, body and spirit and understanding who we are at the core of our existence and maximizing that potential.



Positional Therapy

  • Initial Assessment - 90 minutes

  • Follow up appointments - 60 minutes

Strength and Conditioning / Therapeutic Exercise 

  • Sessions can be 60 - 90 minutes based on your needs


Positional Therapy is a gentle, effective therapy for the treatment of chronic and acute muscular pain, increasing range of motion, and correcting posture, muscle imbalance, and body alignment, all while clients are fully clothed. IPT is founded on the osteopathic techniques of Strain/Counter-strain and Muscle Energy Technique. Strain/Counter-strain slackens a muscle and makes it shorter, while Muscle Energy Technique stretches a muscle and makes it longer. These techniques are highly effective for Lower Back Pain, Hips, Tension Headaches, Neck Pain, TMJ, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Tennis/Golf Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, Knee Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, and more. Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing for sessions. 


Treatment sessions are never rushed and rarely does a client have to wait for their session to begin. Andy’s assessments, treatments and wellness plans are based on the philosophy of Integrated Positional Therapy. He may also weave in other well- known therapy techniques as needed such as, NMT, massage, heat, connective tissue therapy, Shiatsu, reflexology, and Reiki blending both Eastern and Western healing arts. Andy educates his clients on basic muscle and bone anatomy to help them gain clarity about the root cause(s) of their pain. He also teaches clients breathing techniques; correct movement patterns as well as proper form for all of the therapeutic exercises he outlines in their individual wellness plan. Andy believes that his unique mix of treatment skills gives his clients the best opportunity to gain harmony in the body and keep it pain free.



Therapeutic exercise (corrective exercise) is the systematic execution of a wellness plan including physical movements or activities intended to correct mal-alignments in the body that are the root cause(s) of pain. The goal is to empower individuals to reverse muscle imbalances and prevent future impairments of body functions and structures. Therapeutic Exercise Wellness Plans enhance sports performance, reduce injury risk, optimize overall health, and enhance fitness and well-being. 


Andy custom designs your unique Therapeutic Exercise Wellness Plan during your session. This design is influenced by the examination findings and or medical diagnosis indicated. As with any type of therapy, each plan is designed to correct the specific areas. Plans are evaluated and modified as indicated by an individual’s progress and response to the plan. Therapeutic exercise works systematically and brings about positive changes in the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, circulatory system as well as the endocrine system. 


Therapeutic Exercise Wellness Plans (TEWP) may include:

  • muscular conditioning or reconditioning

  • body mechanics training

  • breathing exercises

  • coordination and balance exercises

  • muscle lengthening

  • muscle strengthening

  • movement pattern training

  • neuromuscular education or reeducation

  • range of motion exercises and soft     

  • soft tissue stretching

  • relaxation exercises 

  • power and endurance exercises


Overall Therapeutic Exercise Wellness Plans (TEWP) promote:

  • relaxation and the release of tension and pain

  • increase muscle strength and endurance as well as mobility of joints and soft tissues

  • develops coordination through improved control of individual muscles



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Andy is an outdoor educator teaching children and adults the philosophy and physical skills of wilderness living. He received his first introduction to survival training while in the Marine Corps. After that time he was introduced to primitive skills in a workshop with Cody Lundin in Arizona. Years later Andy was introduced to Children of the Earth Foundation and the Tom Brown Jr. Tracker School and spent many years taking classes as a student and volunteer.

Today, Andy continues to volunteer at the Tracker School and 4 Elements Earth Education Family Program. Andy is also involved with the Boy Scouts of America as an Assistant Scout Master and Wilderness Merit Badge Counselor. He is excellent at teaching skills in a way that makes it easy and fun. Andy brings humor and playfulness to his Earth Skills Programs and it is clear how much he loves connecting people to the Earth and ancestral ways. 

For list of Wilderness Skill Programs with Andy go to Wilderness Skills Page

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